About Joseph
I, a home owner, have been a resident of Illinois my entire life, and a resident of Chicago my entire adult life.
I am currently self-employed as a patent agent and translator, translating German patents, engineering documents and medical articles into English.
I have 40 years of experience in information technology, statistics, medical research, teaching and technical support in the corporate, public, consulting, academic and entrepreneurial sectors.
I have served on the boards of two nonprofits, served on two alumni committees, and chaired academic guidance and governance committees.
I have three master’s degrees and three graduate certificates:
- Master of Public Administration (certificate in nonprofit management) – University of Illinois at Springfield
- Master of Engineering (certificates in engineering law and bioinformatics) – University of Illinois at Chicago
- Master of Arts in Psychology (predicting job performance) – Loyola University of Chicago
I also have a bachelor’s degree in education from Illinois State University.
I am an author or co-author of ten medical research articles and a member of several professional societies.